revrend horton heat

wed. july, 14, 1999.
after much prompting on the part of yours truly i finally convinced the fong to go to see the revrend horton heat. at the time it was almost ten o'clock (note: according to the tickets the show started at nine o'clock). the show was at the mac hall ballroom, i've seen a couple shows in this venue but other than 'the smalls' i can't remember what they were. when we got there huevos rancheros was already playing, and damn well at that. fong and i quickly checked our coats and went inside. i had to borrow three dollars off of the fong due to the fact that the tickets were twenty two dollars (that' s far more than I've ever paid for a show like that before). huevos played about the best I've seen in a long time, brent cooper being back to his old pogo-jumpin', perma-ginnin' self. another thing that surprised me was the fact that huevos has a new bass player. from the way he played it looked as if he had come out of some punk rock band, he was also the most animated bass player I've ever seen huevos with. i also saw graham evans there as well (huevos' first bass player and ex-forbidden dimension member). the revrend horton heat came out not long after huevos finished playing and proceeded to put on a damn fine show. the man himself has an impressive stage presence, if somewhat rigid. his story telling ability rivals that of kj jansen, but with a slightly more serious overtone. finally his guitar playing is pretty damn impressive, pretty technical and with a style that I've never seen repeated by anyone. using power tools on your guitar, although not without precedent, is a damn cool touch to add to any rock and roll show. also in keeping with standard practice the revrend horton heat played while standing atop his bass player, jimbo's, bass. fong and i left after the final encore and while waiting in line i ran into brian helm, one of the fourth years in my program last year. after that point fong and i headed to boston pizza because i hadn't eaten much at all that day. while at boston pizza we ran into a girl fong and i went to high school with and talked to her for a while before proceeding home.